In the deacde I've spent making things with computers, I've tried out a vast array of languages, tools, tasks, and techniques. This is a non-exhaustive list of things I've learned how to use or do.
Languages, Frameworks, and Formats
Editors, Tools, and Technologies
IntelliJ IDEAWebStormPyCharmCLionDataGripFigmaVisual Studio CodeEclipseNanoVimSSHAWSVercelPostmanInsomniaMySQLPostgreSQLtRPCTailwind CSSstyled-componentsJestReact Testing LibraryESLintPrettiernpmYarnpnpmGitGitHubJiraNotionConfluenceSlackDiscordMicrosoft 365Google Workspace
Techniques and Soft Skills
DesignDiagrammingProblem SolvingModularization (DRY)DebuggingTestingAgileDocumentationMentorshipCommunicationSpanish (CA Seal of Biliteracy)
Yellow indicates especially high proficiency
Green (link) indicates certification